Corporate Capabilities
Penguin Telecom, Inc. is an Engineering Design Services company with expertise in wireless communications, networking and microprocessor-based design. I have extensive experience taking box, board, and FPGA/ASIC hardware designs from concept to production with first-build success, including schedule-critical low-level embedded software design and integration.
Schematic Design and Capture
Penguin Telecom uses a correct-by-construction philosophy for symbol generation and schematic capture. Techniques from net naming conventions to semi-automated bus verification are used to ensure a correct schematic.
Board-Level Design and Simulation
Tight layouts require tight control. I perform integrity simulation on high-speed buses and signals from 100 MHz to 3+ GHz, and on all clocks.
FPGA Design and Simulation
A well-developed design methodology and engineers expert in VHDL and Verilog allow Penguin Telecom to provide logic design services either stand-alone or as part of a larger project. Test benches are provided with all designs.
Software Design and Coding
Rather than try to be a general purpose software shop, we focus on the software closest to the hardware using subcontractors as required. Areas of expertise include GPP and DSP bring-up, device drivers and networking.
Information Security
In order to protect your data, Penguin Telecom has a full set of information security in place including anti-virus, anti-spam, hardware and software firewalls and off-site encrypted secure backups.
Software Tools
Penguin Telecom has the following tools:
- Altera Quartus II (FPGA Place & Route)
- Cadence OrCAD (Schematic capture, symbol generation)
- Perforce, Subversion and CVS (Concurrent Versions System) (both for version control and configuration management). Git under evaluation.
- Fog Creek Copilot (Remote help)
- Mentor HyperLynx BoardSim (Post-route PCB signal integrity analysis)
- Mentor PADS PCB Viewer (PCB route verification)
- Microsoft Project (Project scheduling and reporting)
- ModelSim Altera and Xilinx Edition-III (FPGA logic simulation and verification)
- SynaptiCAD TimingDiagrammer Pro (Timing analysis)
- 37 signals Campfire (Group chat, technical support)
- Xilinx ISE Foundation (FPGA Place & Route)
Additional software we use includes Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Office, Visio and Access. Other project-specific tools are used as required.
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